Ein weiterer schwimmender Fahrradanhänger. Mark Palmquist hat eine interessante Konstruktion von einem zum Boot ausklappbaren Fahrradanhänger gebaut. Das besondere daran ist, dass man das Fahrrad auch mitnehmen kann. In seinen Videos zeigt er wie er es gebaut hat.
This is a bike trailer that becomes a boat that Carrieâs you and your bike back to your car. It allows you to ride up stream on a bike path and then float back down without shuttling cars around all day.
Invidious.io Video
Making a folding punt boat that can be towed behind your bike upstream and then becomes a boat to float you and your bike back downstream to your car.
Invidious.io Video
Testing the bike trailer mode of my Potomac River shuttle punt. You could also use this as a camping trailer.
Invidious.io Video