420 Von dieser Konstruktion gibt es ja schon ein paar. Die bekanntesten Modelle sollten der Wide Path und das Velo-Studio sein. 👤 The Royal Gypsy Diaries 📺 Youtube ℹ️ Instagram Welcome to my Channel the Royal Gypsy Diaries. My partner Claudia and i are artists and I am an entertainer as well. Im here to share my nomadic adventures, explorations and artistic flow with you. I will have a variety of content: Movies, travel, art and our personal travels to share with you all! Please join me on this journey. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.
Alex Since I added more to the camper I had to see how heavy it is to tow even though I’m not done adding small designs and trim. The camper has a little more weight to it; but I can still peddle on flat ground wihout E bike assistance. An incline can be a little bit of work. I can get up hill with or without e bike function. It is also easy to push or pull up hill physically without a bike. The front wheel really makes a big difference in tow to weight ratio. Evenly distributing the weight through out the camper and on the front end where the hitch would be loaded. The test was a success. Th adventure continues! Now to finish the trim, designs and I can start traveling in this beautiful machine.
Maxii Verstehe nicht so ganz, wieso er den Wohnwagen zum Einklappen baut und dann doch offen damit herumfährt?
Sebo Maxii Verstehe nicht so ganz, wieso er den Wohnwagen zum Einklappen baut und dann doch offen damit herumfährt? Da habe ich auch lange gerätselt. Vielleicht zum Verstauen / Platzmangel?
420 First visit to the water with New 26” rim, tires and a few new things and ideas I’m playing with. The past few weeks I have been learning a lot and making a few adjustments to the bike camper. Ive been learning a lot about wheels and wheel barrings the right pressure, tension and balance to make them soin smoothly. I also made a Murphy bed that folds into the wall. I bought some cool lights for ten bucks at the second hand store to install. Not sure if I will put them on the outside or inside. I like the idea on the inside because the lights generate a lot of heat, but they also use high watts so I may change to lower watt bulbs. It was nice to take the camper out and sit in front of the water for a bit and see it coming to life in the real word. Now have to back to work.